| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (55), 2015 | | PLENARY SITTING OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL FORUM «EURASIAN ECONOMIC PERPECTIVE» (ST. PETERSBURG, APRIL 16, 2015) | | Naryshkin S. E. Chairperson of the State Duma, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
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| The article discusses the major tasks of harmonization and unification of national legislatures among EEU countries, stresses the importance of developing educational courses on Eurasian integration and their implementation into the teaching practice, and intensification of scholarly research dedicated to Eurasian topics. The author describes the process and perspectives of the mutually beneficial cooperation between EEU and other regions of the world, first of all in Eurasia | Key words: Russian Federation, EEU, Eurasian Economic Union, inter-parliamentary cooperation, International forum «Eurasian Economic Perspective», free trade zone | Pages: 7 - 8 |
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