| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (55), 2015 | | PROBLEMS OF MODERNIZATION AND TRANSITION TO INNOVATIVE ECONOMY | | Zhigalov V. M. Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics) Pakhomova N. V. Professor of the Chair of Economic Theory,
St.Petersburg State University,
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
PhD (Economics)
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| The new global climate politics conditioned by the exacerbation of the present-day ecologic problems and active transition of the developed countries to the renewable energy sources requires adequate and timely reaction on the part of Russia. This means, first of all, specification of the country’s responsibilities for the decrease of greenhouse gases emission, change of the energy balance structure, decrease of the level of energy consumption by industrial enterprises as well as of the considerable differentiation of Russia’s regions in the level of energy efficacy. The major factors that impact energy consumption are: the level of development and the branch structure of economy, quality of the regional infrastructure and the level of technical equipment of the energy sector, as well as geographic and climatic features. The article analyzes the present-day system of the strategic planning in energy saving and the increase of energy efficacy in Russia, paying special attention to the evaluation of this system on the regional level | Key words: energy efficacy, energy saving, climatic politics, strategic planning, energy consumption in the regional economy | Pages: 62 - 72 |
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