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Bliakhman L. S.
Professor of Department of Economics of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

Ethnic and religious factors and preconditions of the new industrialization
(Russia, St. Petersburg)
The present-day stage of globalization foregrounds cultural, social and organizational capital characteristic to various civilization. New tendencies of demographic and national development produce mass population migration. Conditions of formation of the Russian civilization are very specific, although they are European by nature. The crisis of contemporary civilization are called forth primarily by socio-economic rather than ethnic or religious factors; this crisis may be resolved only on the basis on the new industrialization and transition from rent-and-debt to socio-innovative economics. Russian national and religious politics should take into consideration various changes in the ethnic structure of the society and differences in ethnic mentalities while developing programs of the new industrialization as a national idea unifying a variety of social groups
Key words: nation, nationality, religious denominations, civilization, ethnic politics, new industrialization, CIS, migration
Pages: 37 - 46

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