| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (57), 2016 | | ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONS AND BRANCH COMPLEXES | | Omarov M. M. Dean of the Department of Management, Head of the Chair of Marketing and Personnel Management, YaroslavMudry Novgorod State University, PhD (Economics), Professor Minin D. L. Assistant Professor, YaroslavMudry Novgorod State University, PhD (Economics)
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| The article discusses the major regional economic indices and their dynamics in the context of economic sanctions. Based on detailed analysis of production and investment indices in the major branches of regional entrepreneurship, the authors present forecasts and dependencies in the medium-term perspective. The article investigates the dependency between the Gross Regional Product and the volumes of the main assets, as well as the structure of investments into the basic assets of the regional entrepreneurial structures. On the basis correlational-recessive analysis, they present a forecast of the Gross Regional Product co-related to the structure of investment into the basic assets, which helps administrative and entrepreneurial structure to get a picture of investments in the medium-term perspective. Analysis conducted allows to offer recommendations for the regional development and import substitution in the medium-term perspective | Key words: entrepreneurship, Gross Regional Product, volume of investment in the basic assets, index of the physical volume of investment, regional indices of industrial production, branch structure of investment, import substitution | Pages: 113 - 116 |
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