| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (58), 2016 | | IS THERE AN ECONOMIC CRISIS IN RUSSIA? DISCUSSION | | Katkova I. P. Head of the Laboratory for Population Health and Natality, Institute of Social and Economic Problems of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), МD, Professor Katkov V. I. Senior research fellow, Institute of Social and Economic Problems of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
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| The article discusses the status of health care in the contemporary world against the background of the global economic crisis as a real criterion of the socio-economic development. The authors stress the objective necessity to overcome Russia’s backlog in the sphere of health care along a number of criteria through the strengthening of the system’s state foundations | Key words: health care, financing of health care, medical care, inequality of access to services, economic crisis, state financing, expected life span | Pages: 45 - 51 |
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