| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (59), 2016 | | ISSUES OF ECONOMIC THEORY. MACROECONOMICS | | Aleksandrov G. A. Chair of economics and industrial management, Tver' State Technological University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Viakina I. V. Assistant professor, Chair of Economics and Industrial Management, Tver’ State Technological University, PhD (Economics) Skvortsova G. G. Assistant professor, Chair of Economics and Industrial Management, Tver’ State Technological University, PhD (Economics)
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| The article bears a preliminary character since the problem of correlations between rent-based relations and investment attractiveness of extracting industry have not yet been given enough attention, either theoretically, or practically. The authors discuss the place and the role of rent-based relations developing in geological exploration, described scholarly approaches to the analysis of rent and rent-based relations, stress those aspects of the problem that help formulate the concept of rent-based relations in general, and in peat industry in particular | Key words: geological exploration, investment climate, investment attractiveness, rent, natural rent | Pages: 46 - 51 |
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