| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (59), 2016 | | ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT, AND ACCOUNTING AT THE ENTERPRICE | | Konopliannik T. M. Chair of Auditing and Internal Controlling, St. Petersburg State Economy University, PhD (Economics), Professor Nikolaenko A. V. Head of the Sector for BA and MA program Admission, St. Petersburg State Economy University, PhD (Political Science)
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| The article addresses the issue of reporting in various spheres of activity of economic subjects, aiming at ensuring sustainable development in the market economy. Against the background of historical analysis, the authors describe the relation between reporting and verifiable information, with regards to the transformations of the present-day societal life. Auditing in particular allows to discuss issues of reporting misrepresentation, as well as the auditing of the human capital. The article stresses that the effective management and development of any branch of scholarship require the evidential foundation, and that transparent reporting can be used for that | Key words: reporting, analysis, globalization, information, sustainability, analytical research | Pages: 108 - 111 |
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