| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (59), 2016 | | ISSUES OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION | | Cherkasova E. M. Chair of Socio-Economic Disciplines, A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics)
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| The article analyzes approaches to the management of innovative activity of educational organizations on the basis of distinction between methodological and particular approaches, with regard to the major specificity of educational organizations, that of production of services in various institutional spheres. Special attention is given to the most promising approaches, i.e. processual and institutional ones. The author discusses the theory and the practical application of the processual approach and distinguishes its limitations for the management of innovative activity of educational organizations; advantages of institutional approach are described as well | Key words: approach, Innovative activity, educational organization | Pages: 210 - 215 |
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