| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (60), 2016 | | IS THERE AN ECONOMIC CRISIS IN RUSSIA? DISCUSSION | | Petzoldt K. Professor of the Chair of Marketing, Ilmenau University of Technology; PhD (Economics) Lukicheva T. A. Assistant Professor, Chari of Economic Theory, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics) Vorobjeva I. V. Assistant professor, Chair of World Economics, St.Petersburg State University, Candidate of Science (Economics)
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| The article discusses approaches to the definition of “middle class” in developed and developing countries and summarizes criteria to distinguish middle class in Russia. Based on the data on demand and consumption expenses of the Russian middle class, the authors single out a number of tendencies characteristic for consumer behavior in the context of market instability. This data can allow companies maintain and strengthen their position on the present-day Russian market | Key words: marketing, demand, consumer behavior, consumption-based model of behavior, middle class, crisis, market instability, Russia | Pages: 14 - 19 |
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