| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (61), 2017 | | PHILOSOPHY OF ECONOMIC VALUES. PROBLEMS OF SELF-DETERMINATION IN EURASIAN POLITICAL ECONOMY | | Chabanov V. E. Professor of physics, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, PhD (Technology), Professor
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| The article concentrates on the key differences of Western and Eastern civilization, and the impossibility of economic systems that would be equally productive for each of them. Both civilizations need an intermediary that can reconcile their differences and harmonize their benefits, or, to put it differently, to beget a new approach to culture, economy, spirituality and quality of life that would stimulate unity rather than diversion, harmony rather than cacophony. Russian philosophical thought came closest to this ideal. Hence, only Russian is capable of such a task, no other civilization possesses qualities commensurate with it | Key words: Western civilization, Eastern civilization, civilization, culture, religion, morals | Pages: 25 - 27 |
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