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Gadzhieva A. G.
PhD student, Chair of Political Economy, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

The nature and the role of labor in the sphere of services (Russia, Moscow)
The article focuses on the changes of the nature and the role of labor in the sphere of services in the economic thought of the XVIII — beginning of the XXI c. In particular, it discusses the major employment tendencies in this sphere and emphasizes the development of human capital and knowledge as the key factor of economic growth in the present-day economy. The author analyzes the existing state and perspectives on the labor market that resulted from accelerated technological development and robotization, looks into the issue of income inequality between low- and highly-qualified workers, and offers a new long-term approach that allows for the economic progress that does not jeopardize employment
Key words: sphere of services, nature and role of labor, employment in the sphere of services, human capital, education, economic inequality, robotization, technologic development
Pages: 31 - 37

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