| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (61), 2017 | | ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT IN THE SPHERE OF SERVICES | | Emirov N. D. Chair of Management, St. Petersburg State Economic University of Industrial Technologies and Design, PhD (Economics), Professor Battalova S. S. Head of the Department of Automatization of Informational and Library Processes, State Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired (St. Petersburg)
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| The importance of a complex approach to management within the organization, in particular, of the library corporation (association) stems from the contemporary realities and requirements of the information society. The article describes the current state in the sector of informational services and offers ways of improving the corporate activity based on the strategic analysis of the future tendencies and directions of development of informational services. The authors discuss possibilities and ways of broadening the specter of services rendered by library corporations and focus on libraries’ competitiveness at the present-day market of informational services. | Key words: data base, library corporation, library consortium, information resources, market of informational services, Kyrgyzstan | Pages: 180 - 183 |
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