| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (62), 2017 | | PROBLEMS OF MARKETING. LOGISTICS | | Bagiev G. L. Chair of Marketing, St. Petersburg State Economic University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honorary Scientist of the Russian Federation Cherenkov V. I. Chair of Marketing, Higher School of Management, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor Cherenkova N. I. Head of the Chair of English St.Petersburg State University of Economy and Finances, PhD (Philology), Assistant Professor
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| The article discusses the development of the global marketing architecture against the formation of the “digital era,” market-and-planning processes and expansion of the Eurasian economic integration. These processes requires implementation of the contemporary scientific achievements and economic practices based on marketing methodology, logistics and foresight-technologies. The authors stress the importance of teaching English in the students’ geopolitical socialization, capable of restoring the unity of functions of education and upbringing as the foundation of Russian pedagogics | Key words: geopolitical socialization, ideology, cultural code of the nation, linguocultural code, marketing architecture | Pages: 122 - 127 |
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