| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (62), 2017 | | PROBLEMS OF MARKETING. LOGISTICS | | Bagiev G. L. Chair of Marketing, St. Petersburg State Economic University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honorary Scientist of the Russian Federation Yanenko M. B. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, PhD (Economics), Professor Yanenko M. E. Assistant Professor and Director for Marketing, St. Petersburg Electro-technical University PhD (Economics)
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| The article discusses trends in the implementation of digital technologies, alongside with the analogous ones, into economic organization and management. The authors draw attention to the efficacy of hybrid technologies, describe the structure of the multimedia tool complex, as well as channels and programs based on digital technologies. The authors define the major problems and formulate the key tasks related to the creation of the digital platform for the purposes of transformation of the system of organization and management with regards to the marketing activity of commercial structures. The article discusses the structure of possible risks of lagging behind in the process of transition to digital technologies, in the companies’ interaction with market subjects and in the activity of their main subdivisions | Key words: marketing, marketing of interaction, digital technologies, digital platform, marketing technologies, hybrid technologies | Pages: 127 - 132 |
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