| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (63), 2017 | | ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION AND ISSUES OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY | | Cheremkhina A. V. PhD student, Chair of Global Economics and International Economic Relations, St. Petersburg State Economic University
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| The article analyzes the dependency between Europe’s loss of the status of the leading international ship-builder and the process of production consolidation in ship-building companies around the world. The author distinguishes the causes for global tendencies to increase merges and acquisitions in ship-building industry, and discusses similar tendencies in the People’s Republic of China. The article discusses ways to increase competitiveness of ship-building companies in the context of present market realities | Key words: ship-building, restructurization of ship-building, merges and acquisitions, consolidation of ship-building industry, China, South Korea | Pages: 60 - 62 |
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