| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (63), 2017 | | PROBLEMS OF MARKETING. LOGISTICS | | Bagiev G. L. Chair of Marketing, St. Petersburg State Economic University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honorary Scientist of the Russian Federation Pinchuk A. V. Director General, OOO «Red-De-Sign», PhD (Economics)
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| The article focuses on the organization of de-centralized decision making by various client clusters on the basis of cryptographic voting and with the use of blockchain technology. Contemporary marketing optics and advantages of the innovation offered is shown through comparison with already existing methods. The authors emphasize that the use of distributed approach in transmitting and storing of information on users’ interaction can provide resilience to hacking, safety and verifiability of data, as well as the use of blockchain technology in social and business processes. Distributed transaction register should be used in combination with non-relational databases for free and transparent decision making — something that is required in the context of democratization and liberalization | Key words: interaction marketing, blockchain-technologies, transparent decision making by users, foresight marketing technologies, program products and complexes, distributed databases | Pages: 97 - 100 |
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