| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (63), 2017 | | PROBLEMS OF MARKETING. LOGISTICS | | Bagiev G. L. Chair of Marketing, St. Petersburg State Economic University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honorary Scientist of the Russian Federation Weisbein K. D. Assistant, Chair of Management and Finances of Production Systems and Technological Entrepreneurship, Volgograd State University of Technology
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| High dynamics of development of socio-economic milieu complicates development and implementation of an effective marketing strategy of the territory. Speedy reaction to the changes of the regional environment becomes highly important, same way as the timely managerial decision making aiming at increasing the territory’s attractiveness and development of positive investment dynamics. The authors suggest that the territory’s marketing strategy should be formed with the use of image and crowdsourcing tools alongside with the tools of territorial marketing. Together, they can facilitate solution of existing economic problems | Key words: marketing strategy, territory, competitiveness, attractiveness, image, crowdsourcing | Pages: 105 - 107 |
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