| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (65), 2018 | | PROBLEMS OF MODERNIZATION AND TRANSITION TO INNOVATIVE ECONOMY | | Miasnikov E. S. PhD student, International Banking Institute (St. Petersburg)
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| The article discusses ways of increasing national competitiveness and strengthening of Russia’s role in the world through transition to innovative economy. Innovation processes are essential for the development of any country in the context of globalization; emphasis should be put on institutional and economic tools of innovative development. Since demand for innovations should be supported on the level of the state, the author develops a range of suggestions to improve the economic politics of the state as a whole, whole prioritizing the politics of innovative development that would allow Russia follow contemporary globalization tendencies | Key words: innovations, economic interests, competitiveness, globalization, supply and demand for innovative production, state economic politics, state regulation and stimulation | Pages: 20 - 22 |
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