| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (65), 2018 | | PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP | | Kunin V. A. Chair of International Finances and Accounting, St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics, PhD (Economics), Professor Tarut’ko O. A. Senior lecturer, Chair of International Finances and Accounting, St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics
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| The article describes the system of competitiveness indices of entrepreneurial structures and offers an approach to its development on the basis of the balanced system of indices, with particular emphasis on the relation between competitiveness indices with the key indices of a balanced system in the dynamic method. The authors suggest that the indices of innovative potential should likewise be introduced into the system of competitiveness indices, and provide recommendations about how to account for these indices in calculation the integral index of competitiveness of entrepreneurial structures | Key words: competitiveness, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial structure, efficacy, innovative potential, balanced system of indices | Pages: 65 - 68 |
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