| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (65), 2018 | | PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP | | Tikhomirov N. N. Assistant Professor, Chair of Economic and Management, of Enterprises and Production Complexes, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Economics) Shamina O. A. Assistant Professor, Chair of International Relations, Media Studies, Political Studies and History, St. Petersburg State University of Economics
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| The article analyzes specific features of strategic innovative development of small-scale enterprises of a mega-industry. Globalization, accelerated by the progress of in the sphere of information and communication technologies, is a catalyst for innovative development. Technical progress produces a constant impact upon economics and mass media management | Key words: strategic management, innovation management, mass-media, mega-industry, small-scale enterprise | Pages: 73 - 76 |
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