| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (65), 2018 | | ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT IN THE SPHERE OF SERVICES | | Kurochkina A. A. Head of the Chair of Enterprise Economy, Natural Resource Management and Accounting Systems, Russian State Hydrometeorology University (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics), Professor Sergeev S. M. Assistant Professor, Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, PhD (Technology)
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| Presently traditional hotel business experiences severe competition with new online structures providing hospitality services. Affiliated into social networks and unified in global platforms, such structures expand their presence on the tourist market. The article focuses on distinguishing the optimal forms of interaction with clients within the framework of network hotels and the ways of integrating of all contemporary channels that impact consumers of hotel and tourist services. The authors develop a mathematical model that allows forming program algorithms for a broad spectrum of network computer applications | Key words: hotels, network structures, omnichannel interaction, optimization, economic efficacy | Pages: 170 - 173 |
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