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Richter K. K.
Head of the Chair of Economics of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Department of Economics,
St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Physics, Mathematics)

Pakhomova N. V.
Professor of the Chair of Economic Theory,
St.Petersburg State University,
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
PhD (Economics)

Digital economics as a 21 c. innovation: challenges and chances for sustainable development (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article focuses on a number of interrelated issues characterizing chances and risk related to digitalization of economy and society, that should be taken into account to reach the aim of sustainable development. First, the authors analyze structural aspects of transition to digital economy as a key link of the fourth industrial revolution, stressing those that have primary theoretical and practical interest. Secondly, the article traces the key changes that take place in business-processes of contemporary enterprises and organization, including those related to the formation of digital platforms, which bring about different forms of interaction among economic subjects and qualitatively new features of contemporary market economy. Thirdly, the authors discuss the relations between transition to digital economy and sustainable development with regards to the innovative character of such changes and related chances and risks. Fourth, the article discusses possible ways of incorporating of the new digital challenges in the system of higher education.
Key words: innovations, sustainable development, digital economy, chances and risks, digital platforms, rating of digital competitiveness
Pages: 22 - 31

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