| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (66), 2018 | | ISSUES OF ECONOMIC THEORY. MACROECONOMICS | | Rodina I. B. Chair of Economic Theory, State University of Management (Moscow), PhD (Economics), Professor Urunov A. A. Chair of Economic Theory, State University of Management (Moscow), PhD (Economics), Professor Vladimirova A. F. Assistant Professor, Chair of Economic Theory, State University of Management (Moscow), PhD (Economics)
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| The article focuses on the adaptation of the Russian national economy to the conditions of bilateral economic sanctions. As a compulsory means of changing economic, political and social factors, sanctions include various types of direct limitation of foreign economic relations among the states. At the same time, Russia’s response sanctions become a tool that allows various branches of Russian national economy occupy a considerable share of the internal market within Russia’s membership in WTO | Key words: national economy, economic sanctions | Pages: 60 - 64 |
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