| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (66), 2018 | | SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES | | Guliev M. E. Chair of International Economics, Azerbaijan State Economic University (Baku), PhD (Economics), Professor
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| The author argues that the existing model of positioning of oil-extraction CIS countries on the global market, based on export of raw materials, has exhausted its potential. It is necessary to take a new look at the post-Soviet space of cooperation and its non-homogenous political and economic landscape. The key question related to this new perspective is, which directions of development should be prioritized by the oil-extracting CIS countries with their similar economic structures, and where should one look for spaces of economic cooperation. This question fully relates to the foreign economic cooperation of Russia and Azerbaijan, defining their interaction in the context of global economic instability | Key words: Azerbaijan, Russia, new regionalism, EEC, WTO, resource potential of a region, diversification of foreign economic relations, economic integration, Azerbaijani-Russian relations | Pages: 219 - 223 |
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