| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (66), 2018 | | CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY | | Bagiev G. L. Head of the Scholarly Educational Center for marketing in Eurasian cooperation, Deputy of Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, St. Petersburg State Economic University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honorary Scientist of the Russian Federation Gazizullin Nail F. Chair of Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought, St. Petersburg State Economic University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honored Scholar of the Republic of Tatarstan
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| The article presents a broad analysis of the professional directory by V.M. Tarasevich “Price Politics of Enterprises” (St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2018, 383 p.). The authors discuss the content of the directory, information on the author, and draw attention to the effects of adaptation and reflection on the part of stakeholders as participants of market interaction, that should be taken into account in the process of price formation | Key words: economical and organizational mechanism price formation, innovative methods, adaptation and reflection, coordination and promotion, price change and profit management | Pages: 282 - 284 |
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