| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (67), 2018 | | ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT, AND ACCOUNTING AT THE ENTERPRICE | | Konopliannik T. M. Chair of Auditing and Internal Controlling, St. Petersburg State Economy University, PhD (Economics), Professor
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| Russia’s transition to market relations led to the transformation of aims, principles and approaches to the task of sustainable development. The article discusses the topical issues of the complex impact of the ecological component upon the enterprise’ sustainability and its control. The research focuses on the complexities of controlling measures in the implementation of the state politics of ecological development as a tool within the concept of sustainable development. The author describes effective controlling measures on the basis of ecological auditing, aiming at reaching a sustainable development of an enterprise. | Key words: sustainable development, control over the ecological component, ecological auditing, auditing | Pages: 118 - 122 |
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