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Bagiev G. L.
Head of the Scholarly Educational Center for marketing in Eurasian cooperation, Deputy of Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, St. Petersburg State Economic University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honorary Scientist of the Russian Federation
Cherenkov V. I.
Chair of Marketing, Higher School of Management, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor

Marketing for sustainable development: essence and the logic of formation
(Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article is dedicate to the definition and the logic of the contemporary stage in the evolution of the marketing theory, distinguished in the context of intensive implementation of the sustainable development concept. With regard to the article on the terminological paradigm of sustainability, the authors return to the issue of the incomplete adequacy of the term “sustainable development” to the notion of sustainability in the economic context. The etiology of “sustainable marketing” allows to understand the philosophy and the logic in the formation of this mechanism of proliferation and implementation of the sustainable development concept. The scholarly position of the authors is supported by research conducted by the German Alpine school of marketing. The authors’ research of the terminological paradigm of sustainability and the analysis contextual meaning of the term “sustainability marketing” allowed them to offer a more adequate Russian term“marketing of stability.” The latter is a broader term, more adequate to the tasks of sustainable development on all levels of the marketing environment. The article is based on an extensive systematized volume of scholarly literature on the topic.
Key words: green marketing, macromarketing, marketing 3.0 and 4.0, marketing of stability, socio-ethical marketing, stockholder marketing, terminological paradigm, sustainable development, sustainable marketing
Pages: 142 - 148

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6. Устойчивый маркетинг: теория и практика устойчивого потребления / О.У. Юлдашева, Ю.Н. Соловьева, О.А. Погребова, Е.В. Халина, О.И. Ширшова. — СПб.: Изд-во СПб ГЭУ, 2017. — 113 с.
7. Форсайт технологии маркетинга / Г.Л. Багиев, А.А. Длигач, Ю.Н. Соловьева; Под науч. ред. Г.Л..Багиева. — СПб.: Астерион.2016. — 400 с.
8. Халина Е.В. Развитие концепции устойчивого развития в российской экономике и маркетинге // Проблемы современной экономики. — 2016. — N 4 (60). — С. 116–120
9. Черенков В.И. Основы международной логистики. — СПб.: Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2016. — 487 с.
10. Черенков В.И. Эволюция маркетинговой теории и трансформация доминирующей парадигмы маркетинга // Вестник СПБГУ, Сер. 8, Менеджмент. — 2004. — С. 3–32.
11. Черенкова Н.И., Черенков В.И. Лингвистически-коммуникативная проблема глобализации бизнеса // Известия СПб ГУЭФ. — 2006. — № 3. — С. 109–124.

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