| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (67), 2018 | | ISSUES OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION | | Simchenko N. A. Chair of Economic Theory, V.I. Vernadsky Crimea Federal University (Simferopol’), PhD (Economics), Professor Tsjokhla S. Yu. Head of the Chair of Entrepreneurial Management V.I. Vernadsky Crimea Federal University (Simferopol’) Poteev A. T. Chair of Economic Theory, V.I. Vernadsky Crimea Federal University (Simferopol’), PhD (Economics), Professor Kochetkova N. V. Assistant Professor, Chair of Entrepreneurial Management V.I. Vernadsky Crimea Federal University (Simferopol’), PhD (Economics)
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| The article presents results of the retrospective analysis of formation and development of the economic education in Crimea. The authors discuss the short history of the Tavrida University, analyze the level of preparedness and employment of the graduates majoring in economic disciplines in Crimea, and show the role of political economy in the present-day development of the digital economy and in the transformation of the university’s activities. | Key words: education institution, labor market institution, economic education, graduates of higher educational institutions, political economy, digitalization of economy, Republic of Crimea | Pages: 244 - 248 |
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