| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (68), 2018 | | PHILOSOPHY OF ECONOMIC VALUES. PROBLEMS OF SELF-DETERMINATION IN EURASIAN POLITICAL ECONOMY | | Moskovsky A. I. Assistant Professor, Chair of Political Economy, Department of Economics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, PhD (Economics)
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| The role of science in the economic development is an unalienable element of politico-economic discourse. Unfortunately, present-day ideas about science are often full of myths. On one hand, development of market economy prompts our turn to science as a source of innovations and future profit. One the other, the in-built character of science in the system of other institutes, as well as its very existence as a specific complex institute becomes jeopardized, since it is often substituted for “purely market-based” management, when its specificity and the conditions that sustain it get neglected. The article discusses management of science in Russia in the post-reform period, stresses the integration of science and social interest, and questions its evaluation through the principle of supply and demand. Reform of the Russian Academy of Science in particular is seen as an example of purely market-based science management | Key words: science, market, production, reproduction, technology, knowledge, «market-based model of science», political economy of science | Pages: 33 - 36 |
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