| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (68), 2018 | | ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT, AND ACCOUNTING AT THE ENTERPRICE | | Gul’penko K. V. Chair of Auditing and Internal Control, St. Petersburg State University of Economics PhD (Economics) Safaryan Ek. H. PhD student, Chair of Auditing and Internal Control, St. Petersburg State University of Economics
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| The article addressed topical problems with regards to internal and external control over the activities of economic subjects, presents scholarly opinions on a number of theoretical questions related to internal and external control, and develops a classification of the types of internal control, as well as its practical implementation. The author particularly stresses the necessity of control in cases when economic subjects perform various types of economic activity | Key words: control, internal control, external control, control process at enterprises | Pages: 112 - 115 |
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