| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (68), 2018 | | PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP | | Khakimov A. Kh. St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Economics)
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| The article shows the importance of using competitive potential in managing competitiveness in the innovation-oriented entrepreneurship. The author discusses approaches to formation of competitive strategies of entrepreneurial structures, describes the variety of such strategies, their role in realization of the competitive potential, as well as their direct dependency upon overt and covert competitive advantages. Particular attention is given to entrepreneurial structures that seek long-term competitive advantages, that is capable of staying in the market while simultaneously discovering and developing and using its competitive potential | Key words: competitive potential, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, innovation-oriented entrepreneurship, strategic management | Pages: 121 - 126 |
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