| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (69), 2019 | | ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT, AND ACCOUNTING AT THE ENTERPRICE | | Arkhipov A. E. Chair of Fleet Transportation Management, Siberian State University of Water Transport (Novosibirsk) PhD (Economics), Professor Maslennikov S. N. Head of the Chair of Fleet Transportation Management, Siberian State University of Water Transport (Novosibirsk), PhD (Engineering) Sevrjukov I. Yu. Assistant Professor, Chair of Business in the Sphere of Services, Novosibirsk State University of Economy and Management PhD (Economics)
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| Based on the retrospective analysis of approaches and principles used in modelling of business-processes, the authors distinguish the major parameters of these processes’ modernization in the context of present-day economic globalization. The article summarizes approaches towards integration of methodological tools of mathematical and imitative modelling of business-processes, emphasizing the importance of evaluation with regards to parameters of internal and external environment of a company, which allows for its better performance on the competitive market. The authors suggest a list of perspective directions for modernization of informational and communicative support to the company’s business-process modelling | Key words: company's business-process, mathematic modelling, imitative modelling, economic globalization | Pages: 59 - 62 |
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