| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (70), 2019 | | PROBLEMS OF MODERNIZATION AND TRANSITION TO INNOVATIVE ECONOMY | | Feigin G. F. Chair of General Economic Theory and the History of Economic Thought, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Economics), Professor, PhD (Management), German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer, Germany Gaiduk A. Professor, Hochschule Heilbronn (Germany)
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| The article focuses on the problem aspects related to implementation of outsourcing of information services in the present-day digital economy. The authors present a concise review of theoretical approaches that characterize the advantages of outsourcing on the micro- and macro-levels, and offer their interpretation of chances and risks related to outsourcing within the national economy on the global scale. | Key words: outsourcing, globalization, information services, digitalization | Pages: 30 - 34 |
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