| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (71), 2019 | | ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT IN THE SPHERE OF SERVICES | | Truzhenikova L. A. Chair of Russian History, Dagestan State University (Makhachkala), PhD (History), Professor
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| The article focuses on the topical issues related to the tourist industry in the Republic of Dagestan as one of the priority directions of the region’s socio-economic development. With regards to the rich history of the mountainous region and its dense constellation of unique monuments of nature and human heritage, the author discusses the potential of the tourist cluster that can facilitate the Republic’s transition from the category of subsidized subjects of the Russian Federation to the category of donor region. | Key words: Republic of Dagestan, historical monument, tourism, ethnic tourism, resort, recreation | Pages: 283 - 286 |
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