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Dudnik A. V.
T.S. Maltsev Kurgan State Agricultural Academy, PhD (Economics), Professor
Marfitsyn S. V.
Director General, OOO “Delta” (Kurgan)

Cooperative segment of Russia’s agro-industrial complex as an element in the strategy of increasing competitiveness of the country’s agro-industrial complex: socio-economic model of development (Russia, Kurgan)
The article focuses on the development of cooperation processes in the rural area as an important condition for the development of the country’s agri-food sphere and ensuring the systemic, sustainable development of rural territories. The working hypothesis of the research consists in the decisive role played b the “grass-root” initiative by the most active part of the rural population in the sphere of development of the agricultural production. This development is particularly important for the territories that went through a significant degradation in terms of their production potential and depopulation, and later never involved into large-scale integration companies, as is the case in Kurgan region. People of working age who stayed in the rural areas after the implementation of the so-called “market reforms” and outmigration of the population to the cities, may become a firm foundation, upon which the new economic life would be built within the framework of cooperation processes. This is particularly relevant for the territories that suffered most from the destructive processes in the agrarian sector of economy that took place in 1990s — 2000s.
Key words: agro-industrial complex, competitiveness, state regulation, cooperation, consumer cooperative, self-administration, sustainable development
Pages: 222 - 226

Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований, заявка № 18-010-00652 А

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