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Malikov R. I.
Head of the Chair of Economics and Management, Institute of Economics and Services, Ufa State Oil University of Technology, PhD (Economics), Professor
Grishin K. E.
Chair of Macroeconomic Regulation and State Administration, Deputy Director, Institute of Economics, Finances and Business, Bashkir State University (Ufa), PhD (Economics), Professor
Timirjanova V. M.
Deputy Head of the Academic Laboratory for Research of Regional Socio-Economic Problems, Institute of Economics, Finances and Business, Bashkir State University (Ufa), PhD (Economics)

Sub-regional entrepreneurial ecosystems: paradigm of identification and evaluation (Russia, Ufa)
The article uses an ecosystem approach to discuss development of entrepreneurship on the regional level; this approach allows the author to focus on the specific spatio-temporal context of entrepreneurship. Within the frames of the ecosystem approach one can also take into account the nature of interaction among the economic agents and their relations to the environment where they function.
Key words: entrepreneurship, regions, regional entrepreneurial ecosystems, spatial connectedness, sub-regional entrepreneurial ecosystems
Pages: 139 - 144

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