| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (74), 2020 | | ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT IN THE SPHERE OF SERVICES | | Arkhipova O. V. Chair and Restaurant Business, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Philosophy), Professor Kushcheva N. B. Assistant Professor, Chair of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Department of Services, Tourism and Hospitality, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Technology) Vladykina Yu. O. Assistant Professor, Chair of Administration Technology, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, PhD (Economics)
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| Digital economic and its expressions in various spheres of human life deserve a priority attention in the light of informational technologies development and transformation of the traditional communication channels. The article discusses topical technological decision used in contemporary hotel enterprises, evaluates high-tech decisions and tools applied in their innovative activities, and analyzes innovative decision in the sphere of automatization of management of human resources and personnel in hotel enterprises. | Key words: digital economy, hotel enterprises, technological decision, digital technologies, promotion, hotel product | Pages: 237 - 242 |
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