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Pakhomova N. V.
Chair of Economic Theory, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Honored Scholar of the Russian Federation
Richter K. K.
Head of the Chair of Economics of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Department of Economics,
St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Physics, Mathematics)

Chernova E. G.
Chair of Economics of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor
Malyshkov G. B.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Economics, Accounting and Finances, National Mineral Resources University “Gornyi” (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics)

Competition politics and its priorities in the context of digitalization and “post-virus” economic cycle: Russian and Eurasian experience (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The authors analyze the set of new requirements to competition politics conditioned by the transition to digital economy and implementation of the fourth industrial revolution technologies, particularly as far as large data, digital platforms and algorithmic methods of price formation are concerned. The authors discuss the change of the role of the state and necessary adaptation of the competition politics and its priority directions to the realities of the “post-virus” economy. Special attention is given to the transformation of approaches to evaluation of agreements among companies, indices of the quality of the competition milieu, and parameters of domination of companies on the market. With regards to the global nature of current transformation, the article provides a comparative analysis of measures that are presently developed and implemented in Russia and in the European Union.
Key words: competition politics, comparative analysis, digital economics, “post-virus” economic cycle, big data, digital platforms, algorithmic methods of price formation, European Union
Pages: 20 - 27

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