| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (75), 2020 | | PHILOSOPHY OF ECONOMIC VALUES | | Miropol'lsky D. Yu. Chair of General Economic Theory and the History of Economic Thought, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation Lomakina I. B. Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, St. Petersburg Law Institute, Branch of the University of Prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation, PhD (Jurisprudence), Professor
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| The article focuses on the institutes of labor force reproduction in the process of transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture, with particular attention to the historical and logical category of the “proto-commodity.” This proto-commodity contains the cost of expenses and the cost of the result that are given and may not be subdivided into original elements. All ensuing changes of cost, including the labor force cost, are based on the cost of the proto-commodity. In the course of transformation of the consumer cost of the labor force, the cost of expenses and cost of the result diverge. This determines different models of human reproduction. | Key words: proto-commodity, proto-cost of labor, cost of expenses, cost of the result, consumer cost of the labor force, cost of labor force | Pages: 45 - 50 |
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