| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (75), 2020 | | PROBLEMS OF MARKETING. LOGISTICS | | Ptukha A. R. Director General, Step by Step company group, Member of the Council of Marketers Guild of the Russian Federation, PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
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| The author focuses on the features of transformation of consumer behavior during the period of transition from the global to the glocal world order. These features are common for the international economic practice. The article discusses elements of marketing methodology on the basis of values (value-based methodology) aiming at creating maximal efficacy of enterprise performance through reaching a balanced correspondence in the triad “product value — system of consumer values — value system of producer of goods and services.” Special attention is given to the impact produced by the transforming society upon the consumer value system. | Key words: values, consumer value, marketing services, portfolio of goods and services, social morality, social values | Pages: 115 - 117 |
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