| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (75), 2020 | | ECONOMICS AND ECOLOGY | | Puntsukova S. D. Leading research fellow, Laboratory of Economics of Nature Management Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD (Geography)
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| The article focuses on evaluation of direct and indirect contribution of forests into economic development and describes the conceptual basis of the research based on the ecosystem approach and criteria of forest management that regards connections among the ecosystem forest services and various forms of territorial economic contributions, including formal and non-formal economic sectors. Evaluation of forest value in transborder territories showed that different contribution of the forests into the regional economy is conditioned by climatic specificities, the quality of the forest fund, the degree of forestry activities, as well as methods of forest management. Research conducted allows to emphasize the importance of transition from protective type of forest management to the principles of sustainable development, based on preservation and simultaneous enhancing the economic, social and ecological value of forests. | Key words: forest ecosystem, value of ecosystem services, revenues, advantages, Selenga river basin | Pages: 195 - 200 |
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