| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (76), 2020 | | ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT, AND ACCOUNTING AT THE ENTERPRICE | | Sintsova E. A. Chair of International Finances and Bookkeeping Accounting St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics, PhD (Economics) Voskresenskaya O. V. MA student, Chair of Management and Innovations, Institute of the Magistrature, St. Petersburg State University of Economics
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| The article defines and analyzes the problems of insufficient efficacy of heat supply enterprises in the Republic of Karelia and in Russian broadly. The major problems include: deterioration of the capital funds and the low level of investment in the sphere of heat supply. One reason why this sphere lacks attractiveness is heat tariffs regulated by legislation and power organs. The authors describe the project of modernization of heat boiler units through automated digital technologies that will increase the efficacy of heat supply enterprises in the Republic of Karelia. | Key words: Republic of Karelia, enterprise efficacy, modernization, digital technologies, economic potential, Russia’s regions, heat supply, energy production | Pages: 84 - 89 |
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