| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (76), 2020 | | PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP | | Zhao Shi Qiang Specialist for International relations, St. Petersburg (Russia) — People’s Republic of China, Baise University, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region PhD (Economics) Tang Jin Xiang Specialist for International relations, St. Petersburg (Russia) — People’s Republic of China, PhD (Economics) Vikulenko A. E. Chair of Finances and Statistics, St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technological University), PhD (Economics), Professor
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| The article addresses a number of aspects related to management of sustainable development of small-scale entrepreneurship and the reasons for the lack of tangible results of Russian reforms in this sphere over the last 20 years. The authors focus on small- and medium-scale enterprise in Russia and abroad and conduct a complex evaluation based on the sums method that reflects comprehensive indices of small-scale entrepreneurship. To select optimal managerial decisions aiming at intensification, the authors involve the combination of all production and financial resources. Their dynamics allows distinguishing the share of intensive and extensive factors and their impact upon the growth of productivity in small-scale enterprises, i.e., the efficacy of production intensification. The method is thus based on the dynamic model of sustainability. The authors describe the impact of management upon the sustainable development of small-scale enterprises (the so-called “optimal managerial profile”) defined by the situation on the market, and establish the dependency between intensive-extensive factors and sustainable development of small-scale enterprises in St. Petersburg and in Russia as a whole. | Key words: small-scale business, small-scale entrepreneurship, sums method, 'optimal managerial profile', financial resources, production resources, intensive-extensive factors, innovation activity | Pages: 98 - 102 |
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