| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (76), 2020 | | ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONS AND BRANCH COMPLEXES | | Stroev P. V. Director, Center of Regional Economics and Inter-budgetary Relations, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Finances, Financial University under the Government of Russia (Moscow) PhD (Economics) Orlov S. L. Leading research fellow, Center of Regional Economics and Inter-budgetary Relations, Financial University under the Government of Russia (Moscow), PhD (Economics), Professor Dudnik A. I. Laboratory assistant and researcher, Center of Regional Economics and Inter-budgetary Relations, Financial University under the Government of Russia (Moscow)
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| The article focuses on the major problems of the present-day socio-economic development in Russia and the possibilities to increase the efficacy of state administration of the national space of the country on the basis of constructing a scholarly grounded support framework featuring the principle of the leading component. | Key words: spatial development, national aims, priority geo-strategic territories, urban agglomerations, special (new) economic territories | Pages: 109 - 112 |
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