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Mudrova S. V.
Chair of Political Economy and Economic History, G.V. Plekhanov Russian Economic University (Moscow), PhD (Economics)

Impact produced by the accessibility to urban agglomeration space upon local labor markets (Russia, Moscow)
The article focuses on the spatial factor that determines the level of mobility and directions of labor resources movement within the frames of urban agglomerations. The author discusses the evolution of ideas about the non-homogeneity of economic space as a factor of balance on the local labor markets, and distinguishes various interpretations of the notion “accessibility of economic space.” The article offers a methodological approach to the study of mutual dependency between the structure of agglomeration’s economic space and the choice of employment location with regards to public transportation routes. Accessibility of urban space, dependent upon the public transportation, should be taken into account in the process of local labor market management.
Key words: economic space, public transportation, labor market, local labor market, balance between labor demand and supply, urban agglomeration, accessibility of space
Pages: 117 - 119

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