| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (76), 2020 | | ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONS AND BRANCH COMPLEXES | | Arkhipov A. E. Chair of Fleet Transportation Management, Siberian State University of Water Transport (Novosibirsk) PhD (Economics), Professor Grigorjev E. A. Assistant Professor, Chair of Economics of Entrepreneurship, Siberian State University of Water Transport (Novosibirsk), PhD (Economics)
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| The choice of the research topic, Russia’s internal water transportation, stems from the significance to trace its historical sources, tendencies and perspectives of development. As a rule, development of the transportation industry is viewed within the chronological context, separated from the analysis of the organizational and technological conditions of its transformation. The authors discuss the choice of strategic alternatives for the enterprises in the sphere of internal water transportation in view of specific features in the formation of strategic guidelines of the past that proved to be effective. This approach can facilitate the development of the optimal transportation and technological decisions in the present and in the future. | Key words: management, water transportation, internal water transportation, market of transportation services, strategic decision, diversification of production activity | Pages: 136 - 138 |
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