| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (76), 2020 | | SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES | | Doan Thi Mai PhD student, St. Petersburg State University
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| The key aspect in the development of the social insurance system in Vietnam is accessibility of health care to all layers of population and formation of the mechanism that facilitates it. This mechanism is implemented through health insurance, both in its voluntary and mandatory forms. The article distinguishes and discusses specific features of the health insurance system in Vietnam: the lack of universal health insurance services, the low level of household income (including the high level of expenses paid by the poorest households for medical services in the absence of mandatory health insurance), resort to traditional oriental medicine alongside with official medicine, and the presence of foreign donor aid. Specificities described can help both the state organs and private insurance companies in determining directions of further development of the health care system in the country. | Key words: mandatory health insurance, private health insurance, health insurance system, Vietnam | Pages: 144 - 149 |
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