| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (76), 2020 | | ECONOMICS AND ECOLOGY | | Zubareva O. V. PhD student, Department of Economics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
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| Global ecologic problems require innovative mechanisms with regards to financing projects in the sphere of environmental protection. One of such mechanisms is “green” bonds, founded by international organizations. The article aims at distinguishing priority directions that are finances through “green” bonds of international organizations and at defining their significance for this market. To do this, the author analyzes the volumes of financial liabilities of the largest issuers such at the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation along the branch and geographical divisions. The article also describes specific projects financed through “green” bonds of international organizations. The author concludes that projects in the sphere of renewable energy sources, as well as energy-effective and ecologically clean transportation are the most prominent directions of financing. Developing countries such as China, India and Brazil re the major geographical areas of financing. International organization not only issue “green” bonds, but render financial and technological help to the new members of this market, especially the developing countries. | Key words: ecologic problems, “green” bonds, “green” financing, international organization, international relations | Pages: 170 - 173 |
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