| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (77), 2021 | | ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION AND ISSUES OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY | | Maslov G. A. Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Science, PhD (Economics)
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| The article focuses on the issue of cyclicity of globalization processes in relations to the change of technical and economic cycles of development. The history of industrial capitalism demonstrated that the leading countries are prone to follow the principles of free international trade at the stage of broad distribution of the elements of technological orders (according to Glazyev-Lvov concept) — much more so than at the initial stages of these orders. As new high-efficiency economic branches develop, states try to protect national companies to ensure their higher competitiveness in the future. Present-day de-globalization phenomena were largely caused by the economic opposition, primarily between the USA and China, on the initial stage of the sixth technological order. | Key words: globalization, de-globalization, technological orders, systemic cycles of capital accumulation, protectionism | Pages: 65 - 70 |
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