| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (77), 2021 | | ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT, AND ACCOUNTING AT THE ENTERPRICE | | Tikhonova L. E. Chair of International Management, Department of Economics, Byelorussian State University (Minsk), PhD (Economics), Professor Fedotova V. V. PhD student, Chair of International Management, Department of Economics, Byelorussian State University (Minsk)
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| The article summarizes the existing experience and approaches to material stimulation and assessment of salary efficacy. The authors develop a methodology to evaluate the implementation of the grading system of labor remuneration, which allows for higher labor productivity. Methodology presented involves assessment of a number of qualitative indices: labor productivity, salary fund, average listing quantity, and proves the dependency between labor productivity and the system of the personnel’s material stimulation. | Key words: employees’ motivation, system of grades, system of personnel motivation, salary, economic efficacy from implementation of flexible labor payments | Pages: 79 - 82 |
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